Friday, November 14, 2014

Logo Change

Things to simplify:
1) Make Dollar more Green
2) Add "Dollar Tree"
3) Put a change in colors

Convict Article

Morgen Chew
 November 14,2014

Branding is a important part of why people buy products. Depending on the logos like Aston Martin or Coke and Pepsi, people like buy their product. Money is not an issue to them. The reason is because of the brand that they follow. The convicts showed us that logos can psychologically affect us on who we buy products from.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Starbucks Article Response

The Starbucks logo should be left unchanged. If you redesign a logo it can cause reactions. Many people don't want change when they see a logo that they don't recognize, it can cause people to be confused. People don't want change. However, people don't have a choice. They have to adapt with the world that changes every second of the day.

Friday, October 31, 2014



The logo "Envyus" is very simple. There are two half N's which one of them is upside down which makes a V. It is a half a circle which helps the letters for the border.